

Yeah, sure. I had happy memories during high school. I had a handful. I could probably count them on two hands. Then I had some that were neither happy or sad, just memorable. Then, the majority, the unhappy ones. Those that were full of regret and remorse. Those which I desperately wish I could take back. Forget about. Throw away. Get scissors and chop that shit out of my life. I mean, why the hell did I even act the way I did? Why was I a selfish prick? Why did I choose to hurt all the people I did? I gave the immediate impression that I cared about them, when in my heart, my true intentions were to strip them of their dignity, and create enemies. Why did I choose to live that way? It's hard to recreate a first impression. It's impossible, as a matter of fact. It's far too late for atonement now. It's far too late to apologize and mend the pain. So what can I do about this uneasiness on my heart? What can I do to get the burden of regret out of my soul?