
It's Time.

It's time for me to see the beauty in this world. Time to open up my heart and let the good in, and shut out as much bad as I possibly can. It's time to take the initiative to be the happy person I've always wanted to be. Recognize the bad, do everything possible to change it, and be as happy as possible. And, in the meantime, fuck around a little bit. Enjoy life. Don't dwell on the petty things that aren't even worth your attention.
These may seem like common knowledge, but you'd be surprised at how few people (especially at my age) have come to realize these things, and how big of an impact they can make. Just a few small changes now can make a huge difference for the better in the long term. I don't know why I've been ignorant for so long, thinking that I'd be stuck in a negative mindset for life, like it was my "destiny," I was doomed to be a nay-sayer for eternity. How fucking wrong I was! Nobody deserves to live their life gloomy! Nobody deserves to be unhappy their whole life! Why didn't I realize this until now!? God, I was so naive. I'm glad things are FINALLY looking up. Getting better. NOW. I can learn to be myself. I have found myself, but I just need to learn to accept myself now. :)