
All I Ever Wanted Was a Normal Life.

I lost my jump drive that has my senior project PowerPoint on it. This pretty much means that I am screwed. I honestly have no idea where it is, unless it's at my old house, which means I have NO chance whatsoever of getting it back. I'll just try to explain it to Mrs. Rowden, but if she doesn't understand, because I have lost my jump drive many times before, that means I'm going to have to start from the beginning and repeat it all again. BUT. I also have all my other final copies of stuff that needs to be put in my senior portfolio. GAH! Maybe some praying will be good.

I feel like I'm the only one capable of having an intellectual conversation at my school. I've felt like this for a while, but it recently has become more obvious as I spend more and more time around dumb people. The things that seem to matter the most to them are: 1. Boys. 2. Drama. 3. Being fat and complaining about it. 4. Drama.
Wow. What a hellacious life they must have. If those were the only thoughts in my head, I would slit my fucking wrists. Without hesitation.

All I ever wanted, was to see you smilin, all I ever wanted, was to make you mine, I know that I love you, oh baby why don't you see, that all I ever wanted, was you and meeeeeeeeee....
Damn mutha fucka. I love techno.